The 2020 edition of the Open Geneva festival is postponed

Please be advised that due to recent health and regulatory developments related to the spread of the covid-19 virus, Open Geneva is unable to organise a number of key festival events, including

  • The Open Geneva launch party, scheduled for 19 March at UNI Dufour,
  • The Geneva Solutions, Cyber Nexus and Sustainable Cities conferences scheduled for 23, 24 and 25 March,
  • The Hack Tour organised for partners in various hackathons, scheduled for 21 March,
  • The co-creation workshop on open innovation for our partners, scheduled for 18 March at the CCIG.

In addition, Open Geneva has made spaces available to hackathon organisers in partnership with the Campus Battelle, the Campus Biotech, the SDG Solution Space, within the UNIGE, as well as with the Geneva Health Forum. Following the decisions taken by these institutions in reaction to federal and cantonal regulatory decisions, Open Geneva can no longer ensure the availability of these spaces to hackathon and event organisers. 

While each organiser is free to maintain or postpone their event, the Open Geneva Committee proposes to provide a collective response to the challenge that the health situation poses to the festival. As a result, we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the Open Geneva festival to a later date, which will be announced shortly. We are actively working to quickly propose an alternative format that will allow your events to be supported in the best conditions by Open Geneva, and thus continue to strengthen open innovation in Greater Geneva.

Thank you for your understanding,

The Open Geneva Committee 

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