IN SEARCH OF FESTIVALS - sensitive mapping workshop

IN SEARCH OF FESTIVALS - sensitive mapping workshop
Il Fallait Bien Innover Production (FBI.CH)

The sensitive device LE SISMOGRAPHE captures the cultural vibrations of the territory.


Online workshop, on Zoom.

Meeting No.: 814 1537 8613

IN SEARCH OF FESTIVALS - sensitive mapping workshop

What parties do you like to go to? What if you could invent some? Le Sismographe proposes the "citizen consultation" 1/3 Lieu_2 Culture, a meeting where the inhabitants are invited to imagine and choose one or several parties and events that bring together the population of "La métropole du Grand Genève".

During the workshop, the participants tell and locate places, anecdotes, habits, rituals and customs as well as proposals around the theme. The mediators facilitate the exchanges and encourage interaction and discussion, feeding an interactive online map as they go along.

These workshops enable participants to meet and take ownership of their territory by exchanging their perceptions and the way they interpret the uses and evolution of their common space. Through this action, Le Sismographe proposes to give the participants the possibility of being a concrete force of proposal for the cultural policy of their cross-border territory on the basis of a process of participation in a common work. The participants will discover what already exists, but will also develop an imagination that will feed a citizen's proposal.

A sensitive cartography will then be produced by the artist JP Kalonji.

A project in collaboration with the Institute of Sociological Research of the University of Geneva (IRS), the municipal libraries of Geneva and the State of Geneva.
For more information, visit the platform:
