How to innovate in an urban context? - Construction and innovation

How to innovate in an urban context? - Construction and innovation
BG Consulting Engineers

The BG Group, active in Switzerland, France and internationally, is a consulting engineering firm active in the fields of infrastructure, environment, building and water.

12:00 à 12:45

How to innovate in an urban context? - Construction and innovation

Like most sectors of the economy, the construction and building sector is not immune to the increasingly rapid evolution of available technologies and customer needs and preferences, particularly in relation to sustainability.
This conference will include:
- A presentation on innovation in the construction sector with current and emerging trends.
- A short video with what BG Consulting Engineers is doing in the area of innovation.
- Time for your questions/comments.
This conference will be presented by Guillaume Kayser, Head of Transversal Projects in BG's Research and Innovation Department.
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