Launching a social innovation LAB, episode 1: The Incubator


SocialUp is the innovation platform of the Hospice General. After the hackathons organised in 2017, 2018 and 2019, the team is getting ready to launch MISO, Open Social Innovation Month (from 19 April to 14 May 2021)

09:00 à 12:30
Location to be determined according to health regulations, or online

Launching a social innovation LAB, episode 1: The Incubator

What if we launched an open social innovation laboratory? There would be an incubator: for whom? To support which projects? How would it work? There are several incubators in Geneva: how would it be different? Come and imagine it with us. This first of two workshops is organised by WeNove for the SocialUp, the innovation platform of the Hospice général. Profiles sought: people working in the social field, in incubators/accelerators, holders of social impact projects

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